


美式足球一年一度的「超年菜餐廳 板橋級盃」冠軍大戲,全美有超過1億的觀眾收看電視轉播,台灣運彩也有開盤,除「不讓分」、「讓分」、「大小」、「第一節不讓分」和「單雙」等玩法外,還有6個特別項目預測,包括「最有價值球員(MVP)」、「勝分差」、「首次得分方式」(達陣、射門或是安全得分)、「總分最高單節」、「第一名達陣球員」和「最後一名達陣球員」等有趣玩法。台灣球迷可透過MOD的博斯運動網,一起收看現場直播,體驗美式足球的超強對抗和精彩刺激快感!

海鷹近3年都展現超強的防守能力,本季例行賽是全NFL失分最少的隊伍,角衛謝爾曼(Richard Sherman)和線衛史密斯(Malcolm Smith)等防守組悍將表現出色,加上四分衛威爾森(Russell Wilson)和跑衛林區(Marshawn Lynch)的合作無間,去年大勝傳奇四分衛曼寧(Peyton Manning)領軍的丹佛野馬,今年是否也能擊潰擁有三座冠軍的明星四分衛布雷迪(Tom Brady),成為近10年來第1支成功衛冕的球隊值得期待。

新英格蘭愛國者是本季例行賽攻守最全面的球隊,得分全聯盟第4,失分全聯盟第7,得失分差高達+155則是全聯盟第一。愛國者的四分衛布雷迪,2002至05年4年内3奪超級盃,拿下2次MVP,搭配破壞力十足的邊鋒格隆科夫斯基(Rob Gronkowski),讓對手防不勝防。布雷迪在例行賽傳球達陣33次,遠遠勝過海鷹四分衛威爾森的20次,主宰勝負的能力足以讓對手望而生畏。





By Jason Pan / Staff reporterProsecutors are to formally charge former president Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) in a wiretapping case involving former prosecutor-general Huang Shih-ming (黃世銘) by the end of the month, according to a media report.A report published yesterday by the Chinese-language Mirror Media magazine said that the Taipei District Prosecutors’ Office is likely to indict Ma over leaking confidential information prior to or just after the Lunar New Year holidays, which begin on Jan. 27.Prosecutors summoned Ma for questioning last month over the investigation into the 2013 case. They have also questioned Huang, who led the now-defunct Special Investigation Division of the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office from 2010 to 2014.Former premier Jiang Yi-huah (江宜樺), then-presidential office spokesman Lo Chih-chiang (羅智強) and other witnesses were also summoned last month for questioning in connection with the case filed by Democratic Progressive Party caucus whip Ker Chien-ming (柯建銘).Ker accused Ma of contravening the Criminal Code, the Communication Security and Surveillance Act (通訊監察保護法) and the Personal Information Protection Act (個人資料保護法).Ma allegedly received leaked information from Huang regarding a then-ongoing investigation — which included wiretaps — into allegations that Ker and then-legislative speaker Wang Jin-pyng (王金平) were improperly using their influence.Huang reportedly testified that he told Ma about the investigation involving Ker and Wang on Aug. 31, 2013.He had no intention of revealing the content of the wiretapped conversation between Ker and Wang to Jiang, but he did so under Ma’s instruction on Sept. 4 that year, he said.Ma could be implicated by Huang’s testimony and prosecutors might indict him, given that the court has already found Huang, who was forced to resign from his post in March 2014, guilty of leaking confidential information, legal experts said.Ma’s office yesterday declined to comment on the issue.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES

(中央社首爾5日綜合外電報導)南韓憲法法院今天再度開庭,就總統朴槿惠彈劾案聆聽口頭辯論,朴槿惠依然未出庭。朴槿惠捲入貪腐醜聞,過去數月引發數百萬民眾上街抗議。 美聯社報導,朴槿惠被控與閨蜜崔順實串通,向企業強索金錢和利益,並讓崔順實違法干政。朴槿惠的律師與擔任本案檢方的國會議員,今天就種種指控的效力激烈交鋒。 本案首席檢察官、國會議員權性東表示,朴槿惠「廣泛且嚴重違反憲法和刑法」,背叛人民對她的信任。朴槿惠的律師李中煥表示,彈劾案中的指控「缺乏證據且未具法律意義」,因為都是基於種種說法和媒體報導,不是刑事定罪。 朴槿惠3日也沒現身,今天再度拒絕出面作證。這場有9名法官的庭審辯論無法強迫她出席。 首爾建國大學法學教授韓相熙(Han Sang-hie,音譯)表示,朴槿惠律師可能寧願她不要作證,因為他們主要論點是,朴槿惠面臨的指控未獲充分證明。朴槿惠拒絕南韓檢方的訊問要求,有待接受特別檢察小組訊問。 憲法法院今天稍後將聽取證人陳述。國會先前表決通過彈劾案後,憲法法院有6個月時間裁定朴槿惠是否應永久免職或復職。(譯者:中央社盧映孜)1060105


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